I am slave to my sporadic interests and intense curiosity. This has caused me to engage with a number of tools, technologies, libraries, websites, and what have you that I have found exceptionally useful. Here is a list of each one that I can think of, as well as what I use it for. To mantain some level of organization, I break these down into a number of categories that broadly capture an area I find myself working in.
- VS Code: What can I say? It’s a lovely editor with enough customization options and plugin for a simple man such as me.
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Work experience
- Fall 2024 - Present: Graduate Researcher
- University of Florida
- Duties included: Tech Lead for Maneuver and Control division of DARPA-funded ANSR project, actively researching NeuroSymbolic methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Supervisor: Dr. Rickard Ewetz
- Fall 2023 - Summer 2024: Graduate Researcher
- University of Central Florida
- Duties included: Producing and presenting systems and code in accordance with the needs of the group.
- Supervisor: Dr. Rickard Ewetz
- Spring 2020: Research Assistant
- University of Central Florida
- Duties included: Assessing integrability of various technologies into TeachLivE’s Virtual Reality application, including Blockly and FitBit APIs.
- Supervisor: Dr. Charles Hughes
- Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, Javascript
- Libaries and Technology: PyTorch, Tensorflow, Manim, ROS